I use to worry far more than necessary. One quick example before I begin my story, I remember back when I was in school (elementary to be exact) I use to worry so much for the next day. Whether I would have a test or just worried I wasn't sure what to expect for the next day. I sometimes worried so much I would get a bellyache before bed! That's when my mom would always sit down with me and tell me that no matter what happened the next day or no matter how I did in school she and dad would love me always NO MATTER WHAT! (Just as God does for us!) Inside it always made me feel so good! (Gosh, I have the best parents!) I'm not really sure why I would worry so much back then, because I had such a loving family and didn't do that bad in school either! I however, eventually grew out of that specific worry. I have tons more examples about my life and worry, but I want to fast forward to one specific time in my life where worry and fear completely took over. Before I get sta...